NIQI introduces WEPITCH: The first Weixin enabled advertising pitch system.

Are you a marketing director and you are looking for the agency who will blow your mind with the most cutting edge digital idea?
Sure, but in order to find these geniuses, you have to deal with a pitch, which usually is a bloody investment of time, and not only for the agencies, also of you.
Preparation, long briefing meetings, request-for-proposals, hundreds of ppt slides to filter, countless emails and follow-up meetings until you get a first glimpse of how an agency approaches digital and understands your brand.
Probably the only thing you want NOW, is just to see a brilliant simple idea that shows how an agency approaches and understands your brand. That shouldn't take all that time, right?
What if you could get a first glimpse of an idea in few hours, just to see how the agency gets your brand, before dedicating time for long briefing meetings and presentations?
And what if this could happen right on your phone?
At NIQI we believe that new technologies can optimize the process of testing the initial chemistry between client and agency.
WEPITCH is all about it: we pitch with Weixin to test the initial client/agency chemistry.

Here are the simple steps to participate to NIQI's WEPITCH initiative:

1) Follow NIQI on Weixin. (scan the QR code to follow us)

2) Type 'PITCH' on Weixin to start the pitch.

3) Give us a quick brief right on Weixin. You can brief us either in English or in Chinese. If you don't like to type, you can talk! Yes, just like if you were thinking aloud. And you can add pictures and videos to support your brief explanation.

4) Get an idea right on Weixin from NIQI's creative team within the next 24 hours.

No commitments. No fee. We are just testing the chemistry, remember? Only if you like what you get we move forward with face-to-face meetings and more comprehensive presentations. WEPITCH initiative will be valid from Feb 16th 2014 to trough Feb 28th 2014. Weixin briefs after this period won't be considered.

NIQI will keep all the information shared by you on WEPITCH as confidential. NIQI’s NDA printable file for your records available on WEPITCH.

Talking about the WEPITCH project: